John Bateson
In addition to The Final Leap, I have written four other nonfiction books.
Coming in September 2024
Suicide is more than a mental health problem. It's a public health and social problem... This book examines myths, demographics, risk factors, warning signs, and how to talk to a suicidal person. It covers suicide in parks, prisons, and in the military, as well as assisted suicide, suicide by cop, and murder-suicide. It details the relationship between guns and suicide, drugs and suicide, and jump sites and suicide, focusing on restricting access to lethal means. The last chapter describes important steps that individuals, businesses, and government can take to end suicides.

The Education of a Coroner
Famous for its natural beauty, celebrity residents, and iconoclastic lifestyles, Marin is one of the most affluent counties in the United States. Yet is also includes San Quentin Prison, where all of California's male death row inmates are locked up, and connects to San Francisco via the Golden Gate Bridge, the world's top suicide site. Ken Holmes, the longtime coroner, has seen it all. His training, experiences, and lessons learned are different from those on TV shows, and few people know anything about it until the day comes when a coroner knocks on their door and delivers news that will change their life forever.
The Last and Greatest Battle
Since 2003, more active-duty troops have killed themselves than died. In addition, a U.S. veteran dies by suicide every hour now. This book examines the problem currently and throughout history. Even if service members enlist with patriotic ferver, after they train for battle, and especaially if they engage in combat, many can't resume a normal life afterward. They have a new enemy to contend with—thoughts and visions of what they have seen and done. The casualties don't end when the fighting stops. This book tells how, why, and most importantly, what can be done about it.
Building Hope
This book tells what it's like to lead and manage a nonprofit agency today. Each chapter focuses on a different facet of nonprofit leadership: how to build an effective governing board, inspire staff, develop effective programs, raise money, recruit and retain volunteers, market the agency, keep up to date on nonprofit law, and plan for the future. In addition, there are chapters on financial management, advocacy, and cultural competency. The workload is often crushing and the stress level can be high, yet being able to look around a community and see tangible evidence of success makes it all worthwhile.